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What is a Black Belt? 12 of the Most Acclaimed Black Belts Answer!

Updated: 5 days ago

We asked 12 of the most acclaimed Black Belts to answer this timeless question “What is a Black Belt”

The answers are humbling!

what is a black belt
Black Belt Plus

In the world of martial arts, the black belt stands as a symbol of excellence, discipline, and mastery. It is a universally recognized achievement that signifies a high level of competence and commitment in a particular martial art. However, the black belt is more than just a piece of fabric worn around the waist; it represents a journey of personal growth, perseverance, and the pursuit of perfection.

Here is what our experts had to say. 

Mike Stone

mike stone

My mindset and belief system about what makes a black belt and master was established over 60 years ago. Sensei Koichi Tohei was the first Black Belt Master I met, and he set the standard by which I judged black belts and those I considered Masters of the martial arts. I view all martial arts under the same principles and values of understanding honor, discipline, respect, integrity, honesty, humility, and compassion. These are the traits of a Black Belt. 

John Sepulveda
What is a Black Belt? john sepulveda

What is a Black Belt? I've longed to follow Senior Grand Master Parker's philosophy of "It is not the aim of Kenpo to merely produce a skillful practitioner but to create a well-integrated student respectful of all".

Black Belt Plus

Ricardo Liborio 
ricardo liborio

There are so many qualities that define a black belt, but besides the technical skills, the most important is to have respect and discipline, which makes any person a true leader.

Jeff Smith
Tae Kwon Do 
Jeff Smith

A Black Belt is someone who has trained weekly under the supervision of a qualified certified Black Belt Instructor and passed all the under belt tests required both physically and mentally. After Having performed all requirements satisfactorily to their style and association standards should/could be awarded a 1st degree black belt.

Ron Van Clief 
Chinese Goju 
Ron Van Clief 

A black belt is a symbol of attained knowledge and skill; an understanding of the basics of martial technical application.  The prerequisite for black belt differs from the numerous martial arts styles.  Dedication, discipline, respect, passion, and confidence are necessary to attain the level of black belt.  A black belt expert should have 10,000 hrs of training and study.

Black Belt Plus

Tom Callahan
Kyokushin Kan Karate
Tom Callahan

The definition of a Yudansha (a person who wears a black belt) can vary among individuals. Generally, earning a shodan (1st degree black belt) signifies that someone has "mastered the basics" of a particular martial art style. This includes the fundamental techniques (Kihon), etiquette, and the compulsory kata for the style's curriculum, typically requiring around five years of consistent training. For me, however, wearing a black belt goes much deeper. It should also reflect one's character. Through the self-discipline of constant training, over time, one develops a sense of humility and self-awareness. Overcoming the many challenges presented by martial arts transforms a person.

Bram Frank 
Filipino Martial Arts 
Bram Frank 

Being a Black Belt or earning one's Black Belt is the beginning of one's martial arts journey.  It's like graduating high school and going off to college. You graduate high school and you're supposed to have learned and acquired basic skills so you can use them in college...the professors move along to teach some subjects that need that knowledge ready and available for use. Same with a black belt.

Being a black belt is when you get to really learn martial arts. No one has to teach you how to do a myriad of techniques. You already KNOW the basics. Yo know how to punch, how to kick, how to step, how to body shift.  Being a BLACK BELT is the true beginning of being a martial artist.

Simon Rhee
Tae Kwon Do 
Simon Rhee

A Black belt means a person has accomplished basic training of their style of martial arts. It’s almost like finishing a high school education, to put it simply.  

Herb Perez
Tae Kwon Do 
Herb Perez

A modern black belt in Taekwondo is a testament to unwavering dedication, technical mastery, and a profound respect for the art's traditions and philosophy.   They embody humility and sportsmanship, recognizing that victory and defeat are part of the journey, and that true success lies in the ongoing quest for self-improvement.  In essence, a modern black belt is not just a fighter, but a lifelong learner, a role model, and an ambassador for the values that Taekwondo embodies.

Black Belt Plus

Jian Lee
Tae Kwon Do 
Jian Lee

A Black Belt should possess a combination of qualities including skill acquisition, dedication, a strong sense of ethics, leadership, and a willingness to continually pursue a deeper understanding of their craft. Skill acquisition reflects countless hours of training and refining techniques. Dedication involves taking your art and making it a part of your daily routine. A strong sense of ethics ensures that the practitioner upholds the principles and values shared in their training environment. Leadership is important to help guide future generations and to mentor those who are at an earlier stage of the journey. Lastly, a true Black Belt remains eager to learn more and is always seeking a way to expand on their experiences.  

KC Jones
kc jones

A Black Belt is a black-colored belt or sash awarded to an advanced practitioner in various martial arts disciplines, such as Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, and Jujitsu. It signifies a high degree of expertise and rank within the martial arts community. However, the meaning and requirements associated with a black belt can vary depending on the specific martial art and organization. Achieving a black belt signifies that the wearer is competent in the style’s basic techniques and principles. It follows the Bushido Code. Quoting Renzo Gracie,  “It is a white belt that never quit!

Graciela Casillas
Traditional Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu and Shen Chun D
graciela casillas

As a martial arts instructor and founder of the art Shen Chun Do (The Way of the Warrior Spirit), I believe a black belt can be defined as a mature practitioner of the arts who goes beyond proficiency in techniques and forms.  A black belt signifies a deep commitment to mastering the art.  However, beyond physical prowess, he/she demonstrates humility, integrity, continuous learning, and personal growth within and beyond the dojo. A black belt lives by the virtue of “nintai” perseverance and endurance and never gives up, upholding virtues taught within the arts.   This includes cultivating inner peace, self-control, self-respect, and respect for the elders who paved the road they travel upon.  Achieving this rank is not an endpoint but a milestone that marks the beginning of a lifelong pursuit of excellence and self-improvement.

Black Belt Plus

Harinder Singh 
Jeet Kune Do and BJJ
harinder singh

A Black Belt is someone who understands the value of hard work, discipline, determination, and deliberate practice.  A Black Belt is someone who loves the art, who loves to train, and who loves to learn.  It is someone who has discovered the power of martial arts and the gift of courage, confidence, and clarity.  A Black Belt is a teacher and a leader who leads by example and inspires others to overcome their limitations.  A Black Belt is someone who knows how much they do not know and is always ready to begin again.  A Black Belt has a command over their external tools and is now ready to take the journey inwards to discover “who” is executing those tools.

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