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The Challenger: Tony Cortez

Black Belt Team

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

tony cortez combate global

Tony "The Conqueror" Cortez of Combate Global (2-0-0) is a Pro MMA Mens Featherweight Fighter out of Temecula, California.

Black Belt Plus Memberships

What is your approach to food after the weigh in? 

My approach to food after a weigh in is I slowly start to drink water because waters the most important after cutting weight, then I like to eat pancakes French toast with an omelette for breakfast. 

Describe your pre-fight playlist?

My prefight playlist mostly consist of rap and trap music, I listen to a lot of Anuel AA. 

Who is the last person you call pre-fight? 

The last person I call prefight is my mom, I always like to get my moms blessing to go in there and try to really hurt someone before doing it. 

What’s going through your mind as you make the ring-walk?

As I make the ring walk what’s going through my mind is all the struggles myself and my family have gone through together and thinking about how I can change everything for our bloodline one fight at a time. 

Once you see your opponent in the ring for the first time, is there anything that you're looking for?

Once I see my opponent in the ring I’m looking for any signs of doubt coming from them and any fear of death. 

tony cortez combate global

How difficult is it to control your anger during a fight?

It isn’t very difficult to control my anger in the fight because I know if I let my anger control me I can possibly get tired and have a tougher fight. 

How often do you hear the crowd?

I don’t hear the crowd very often because I’m mostly listening for my coaches voices. 

What goes through your mind the first time you get hit?

What goes through my mind the first time I get hit is how can I avoid getting hit again. 

Who is the first person you call post-fight?

The first person I call after my fight is either my mom or my sister. 

What’s your favorite post-fight meal?  (or What’s the first thing you think about eating after a fight?)

My favorite post fight meal is pizza. 

Thanks for speaking with us, Tony Cortez!

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