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Robert Young

The 5 Rings of a 21st Century Swordsman: Ancient Ways of Combat for Modern Students

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Five Rings for Modern Swordsmen

Like religions, the sharpest minds in the martial arts often emerge in the harshest environments.

Witness the chronicles of the samurai, who waged war for centuries in the rugged mountains of Japan, where bitter cold and scorching heat are the norm.

Recall the stories of Korea’s ancient Hwa Rang warriors, who persevered in battle with human enemies as well as with winter winds raging south from Siberia. Look up historical accounts of Mongol fighters, who… well, who lived in Mongolia.

Halfway around the globe exists another kind of harshness called Arizona. In much of the state, moisture is minimal, vegetation is scarce and the sun is unrelenting — Phoenix, where I just spent three days, recorded a high of 124 degrees in 1995. In contrast, at the campground where I am right now, located some 5,000 feet above sea level, it was a nippy 31 degrees when I got up this morning, and I’m freezing my butt off as I key this into my laptop.

Yes, I’m next to a fire of crackling juniper, and yes, I may have had a sip of sake to take the chill off — thank God there’s no wind chill — but I must seem crazy to be composing an article outside in these conditions. I’m not crazy, though. I’m just overflowing with enthusiasm after training with Black Belt Hall of Famer Dana Abbott to better understand the way he teaches swordsmanship in the 21st century.

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